We’ve partnered with Time to Roam Magazine to give away either a $15,000 discount on a brand new Viscount Caravan, or a fully restored 1977 Viscount Supreme. All you need to do is be subscribed, resubscribe or subscribe to ROAM magazine (in print or digital) and you’ll be in the draw instantly.
Vincent, the beautiful orange-featured 1977 Viscount Supreme, will be gallivanting around the country-side attending multiple caravan shows with the Roam team before being rented out with the peer-to-peer Caravan Hire company, Camplify.
It’s easy to enter. If you’re subscribed to ROAM, you already are and you’ve got one entry for each issue you’ve already paid for within the competition period (up to six entries). If you resubscribe, you’ll also be entered, and you’ll get one entry for each issue your subscribe to (so six entries for a year-long subscription, 12 entries for two years, or one entry for each magazine paid for on the Pay-As-You-Go option). If you aren’t already subscribed, then just like re-subscribers, you’ll get an entry for each issue you pay for – it couldn’t be easier!
If the lucky winner was to select the $15,000 discount on a NEW Viscount Caravan, we’ll allow them to pick any model, with pick up available from their closest dealership.
So, what are you waiting for? Head over to timetoroam.com.au/subscribe and grab a subscription now. You can subscribe to print versions, or download the ROAM mag app and subscribe online! Or check out timetoroam.com.au/winvincent for the latest stories on where he’s been, how much he’s earning on Camplify and where you can find out more about hiring him.
AU18+ only. Ends 30/6/20 11:59pm AEST. T&Cs apply