Viscount Caravans achieve RVMAP Accreditation
Viscount Caravans have successfully joined the RVMAP program run by the Caravan Industry Association of Australia after copious audits and testing.

The owners of Viscount Caravans are proud to announce that they have successfully joined the Caravan Industry Association of Australia’s Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing Accreditation Program (RVMAP).

The Recreational Vehicle Manufacturing Accreditation Program (RVMAP) is a voluntary industry accreditation program, and is designed to aid industry businesses in producing and/or supplying Recreational Vehicles that are compliant to relevant Australian Design Rules (ADRs) and Federal Compliance Regulations.

Businesses committed to the program undergo a number of RVMAP Reviews, including a Full RVMAP Review that is scheduled and conducted twice yearly at each accredited businesses’ manufacturing facility. These Full Reviews can check up to 250 individual points of compliance.

This accreditation represents Viscount Caravans’ commitment to compliance and their support for the development and improvement of the Caravan Industry.

The facts are, that “on average at consumer shows we find 2.61 times more Federal compliance issues amongst Non-RVMAP businesses compared to those in the program.”
(Based on consumer shows we inspect both RVMAP and Non-RVMAP product in WA,QLD and SA)

We look forward forward to working with the CIA and RVMAP program in the future to continue to grow Viscount Caravans, an Australian-made and compliant product.

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